Here you’ll find articles and resources to help you get ready for grants, find the perfect grants, write winning grants, and manage your grants.
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I’m your coffee-loving grant writing guru and founder of Upstream Consulting.
Melissa here.
Logic models can be intimidating but the benefits far outweigh any frustration involved in developing one. Check out why you need them and how to create one.
Conducting a full-scale evaluation is overwhelming. But in today’s outcomes-driven world, you have to know how you impact your community. Check out this easy 5-step process for adding evaluation activities to your organization.
Changing behavior is hard but is so important if you’re trying to improve community health and well-being. The Health Belief Model is a great tool to use to guide your efforts.
There’s nothing that can ruin your day quicker than a rejected grant application. Fortunately, there are four ways you can win more grants without writing…
A survey is a great tool for learning more about your customers, clients, and community. In fact, surveys are one of the best (and sometimes, only) ways we can
Finding the perfect grant opportunity can make exhausted executive-level adults skip through the office. But how do you find those perfect grant opportunities?
Like me, you probably get a LOT of donation requests this time of year. The Salvation Army bell ringer at every grocery store, the cash register change buckets