Here you’ll find articles and resources to help you get ready for grants, find the perfect grants, write winning grants, and manage your grants. 

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There are a lot of things to keep up with if you’re responsible for grants. From finding grants that are a good fit for your organization to managing grants once you’re awarded – it can all be overwhelming! Fortunately, there are many ways you can streamline your grant process. Grant Research When you’re getting started […]

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How to streamline your grant process

woman working at desk, writing in a planner

Grant Writing

Grant writing can be stressful! Between the looming deadlines, the neurotic details some funders want, and the constant fear of not having enough funds to pay your staff, grant writing can stress out even the calmest people in the office. While there’s no way to get rid of all the stress that comes with grant […]

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7 ways to reduce the stress of writing grants

Woman looking at computer, stressed out, biting a pencil.

Grant Writing

Submitting a successful government grant application requires strong project management skills, which is an often overlooked component of grant writing.

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How to manage the grant application process

Grant Writing