Here you’ll find articles and resources to help you get ready for grants, find the perfect grants, write winning grants, and manage your grants. 

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As grant writers, we’ve been there before. We’re on our 6th day (or more!) of foundation research when we find the perfect match: they give in our specific geographic area; interest area; population; the type of support we need; and clear of other restrictions. Score! Then we see the dreaded checkmark on Page 10, Part […]

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3-step strategy to approaching foundations that only give to pre-selected organizations

Man sitting at desk, smiling up at another man and shaking hands

Grant Finding

Grant writing can be stressful! Between the looming deadlines, the neurotic details some funders want, and the constant fear of not having enough funds to pay your staff, grant writing can stress out even the calmest people in the office. While there’s no way to get rid of all the stress that comes with grant […]

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7 ways to reduce the stress of writing grants

Woman looking at computer, stressed out, biting a pencil.

Grant Writing